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Justin Driver

My Story:
Born a twin in the small town of Benton, KY in 1982 is where it all began.... I was always looking for a way to stick out being there was basically two of me, so I always went the more extreme and rebellious route. I remember my dad always doing something crazy or creating something out of wood. So I naturally took to it mainly building little boxes and such. I was also fairly artistic always drawing or creating something. But it wasn't until I was 33 that I started carving, I remember it well I had just bought my first chainsaw cause I had to clear some land behind my house, well I started cutting down trees, and I got bored (that happens pretty easy) so I thought I bet I can carve a wolf out of that little tree, so I did....a really bad one. I fell in love though and have been carving ever since. Funny thing is it is the hardest work I have ever did, I wake up some mornings feeling like I got hit by a bus and then I go back at it. I love watching a piece come to life before my eyes. That's my story of how I became a chainsaw carver, now let me tell your story.
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